West virginia
​emergency medical services

advisory council

David Weller © All Rights Reserved.

EMSAC and sub-committee meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order and will be conducted by the Chairman or Vice Chairman in their absence.

Meetings can be Live Streamed or watched after the fact through the RETI Blackboard Platform. Please go to www.wvreti.org and set up an account. You can then log in and attend or view the meetings. 

Scheduled Meetings:


EMSAC Meetings


I am the Liaison Between Circumstance and fate...I am EMS.


January 16

Session Recording

April 17

July 17

October 16


EMSAC is a legislated body created to provide advice to the Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Commissioner with respect to reviewing and making recommendations for, and providing assistance to, the establishment and maintenance of adequate emergency medical services for all portions of this state. It's members are appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate according to §16-4C-5. EMSAC members are committed to improving and promoting the EMS system in West Virginia